113: “Official” English (with Carmen Fought)
Breaking news: The president of the United States intends to sign an executive order designating English the official language of…
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112: WotY 2024: The Last Word (with Kelly Wright)
What really goes on behind the scenes at the biggest Word of the Year vote in linguistdom? Are we really…
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Shop at the shop
We have a shop. Shop.
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111: Words of the Week of the Year 2024 (live with Mignon Fogarty and friends)
It's our Words of the Year episode, where we do a vibe check on all the words and name one…
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110: Diego’s Dossier (with Diego Diaz) [Bonus episode]
What's in the linguistic news? Diego knows. He's been tracking down stories and words for us all year long, and…
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109: Language Oppression in Tibet (with Gerald Roche and Sasha Wilmoth)
Minority languages are under threat everywhere, but Tibet represents a particularly difficult challenge. The Tibetan language family is under pressure…
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108: Mailbag of Etymology (with Douglas Harper of Etymonline)
We're joined for the first time by Douglas Harper, proprietor of the world-renowned Online Etymology Dictionary (etymonline.com). He's here to…
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107: Linguaphile (with Julie Sedivy and Matt Spike)
Language is a lot like love. You can enjoyably lose yourself in both. They can both be dangerous. And they…
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106: What One Thing? (with Mark Ellison) [Bonus episode]
What one thing explains the most about language? Here to answer that question is linguist and friend of the pod…
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105 or 500 (live with Kelly Wright and friends)
For our 500th episode, we got together with our great listeners for their words, stories, and inspiration. It's a look…
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104: Dogwhistles (with Elin McCready, Lizzy Hanks, Jesse Egbert, and Rikker Dockum)
Can you hear them? Only if you're meant to. Political dogwhistles exploit lack of knowledge in one group to send…
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103: Unequal Englishes (with Ruanni Tupas and Nicole Holliday)
There are lots of Englishes out there, but the way we approach varieties of English sets learners up to fail.…
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102: Signed Language Mailbag (with Adam Schembri, Christy Filipich, and Mark Ellison)
What do signed languages have in common? How do oral languages influence signed languages? How do they influence each other?…
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101: Talkin’ Chomsky (with Katie Martin and Abduweli Ayup)
Noam Chomsky is one of the world's foremost thinkers, and his impact on linguistics is incalculable. Yet many people are…
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100: Spicy Mailbag (Bonus episode)
A hundred episodes already? To celebrate, we're doing our favourite kind of episode: a Mailbag. Why is it a BLOW…
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99: Gender in Germany (with Rob Tegethoff and Ciarán from Corner Späti)
What's going on in Germany? How are people talking about gender in the German language, and how is freedom of…
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98: Origin Uncertain (with Anatoly Liberman)
How much can we really know about the words we use? What are the facts behind some of the most…
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97: The Dictionary of Fine Distinctions (with Eli Burnstein)
What's the difference between a KINK and a FETISH? Does it matter if you ASSUME or PRESUME? English is full…
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96: Language City (with Ross Perlin)
New York City is home to a lot of languages! Sometimes a sizeable language community can live on just a…
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95: Why the Far-Right Demagogues Language (with Caitlin Green and Maureen Kosse)
Language authorities. Right-wing politicians. White supremacists and feminists. What do they have in common? They're all working together to fight…
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94: Mailbag of Sextillion and Three (with Kelly Wright)
Dr Kelly Wright is helping us understand the link between public health and language maintenance. And she's helping us with…
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93: Stop! Grammar Time (live with Ellen Jovin and friends)
In honour of Grammar Day (4 March), we are joined live by special guest Ellen Jovin, who regularly dispenses grammar…
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92: In the First 600 Milliseconds (with Rachel Nordlinger)
What are your eyes doing when you describe a scene? It may depend on your language. New research from Dr…
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91: Linguistic Time Machine, part 2: Prehistory
We're climbing back into the linguistic time machine and taking a look at language in the long view. We'll find…
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90: Enpoopification (with Grant Barrett and Tim Brookes)
We're talking words, and no one has a way with words like Grant Barrett. He's here to tell us what…
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89: Words of the Week of the Year 2023 (with Cory Doctorow and friends)
The public has voted, and a winner has been decided! We're looking all the words chosen by the various dictionary…
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88: Linguistic Time Machine, part 1: History
What was language like a year ago? Ten years ago? A hundred? What about before that? We're climbing into the…
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87: Trans-Inclusive (with Andrew Perfors)
What is a woman? Or a man? Or a chair, or a sandwich? Or anything, really? "Gender critical" people are…
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86: Mailbag of Dog Sushi (with Nicole Holliday)
We've got mail, and linguistic MVP Dr Nicole Holliday is here to help us sort some things out around here.…
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85: The Dictionary People (with Sarah Ogilvie)
Who wrote the Oxford English Dictionary? Sure, James Murray had a very important role as editor, but a small army…
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84: Diego’s Discourse (with Diego Diaz)
What's happening with signed language in Argentina? How are terms for gender changing in the Spanish language? And are Zoomers…
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83: You’re All Talk (with Rob Drummond and Robbie Love)
Our accents are great! They represent our origins, our languages, our community, and our identity. But too many of us…
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82: Girl Dinner (live with our friends and patrons)
Our patrons are joining us live to give us their news, words, and stories. That's right, it's a Potluck episode!…
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81: Mother Tongue (with Jenni Nuttall)
Women's bodies, women's occupations, women's experiences. So often in history, the discourse about women has been by men, about women.…
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80: Mailbag of TLAs
Listeners have once again sent us some great questions, and we have answers! Why do we TALK SHIT and not…
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79: A.I. Hype Hosedown (with Emily Bender and Jack Hessel)
We're hosing down the hype surrounding AI, and frankly, we're going to need a bigger hose. Large language models like…
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78: Forensic Linguistics, Really (with Helen Fraser, Georgina Heydon, Diana Eades, Seán Roberts, and Steph Rennick)
For decades, forensic linguists have been pushing back on harmful language ideologies, and fighting for better representation for linguistic minorities…
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77: Big Tent (live with Aris Clemons, Caitlin Green, Rikker Dockum, and friends)
How do we make the discipline of linguistics — and our world — a more just, diverse, and equitable place?…
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76: Ooo! Yum! Uh… (with Emily Hofstetter, Eleonora Beier, and Russell Gray)
Why does everyone say OOO! when they see someone fall down? Why do we say YUM when we feed a…
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75: Fake News (with Jack Grieve)
How can you tell if a news story is intended to deceive? In one well-known case of journalistic deception, there…
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74: Mailbag of Go
We're going deep into our Mailbag, and we're going to answer all your questions. Why do we say "here you…
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73: Consequences of Language (with Nick Enfield and Morten Christiansen)
When language was innovated, what happened next? How did it change our abilities — and our responsibilities — to each…
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72: PharaohKatt Is a Speechie Now
Here's an entire show, curated by one of our most prolific contributors — newly minted speechie PharaohKatt! She's got news.…
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71: You’re Welcome, English! (live with friends, for LingFest23)
For this special live LingFest23 episode, we'll again be voting on tricky language issues, and our votes will be binding…
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70: Free Speech, But… (with Dennis Baron)
We all have freedom of expression, but what are its limits — social and legal? And how have governments tried…
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69: Mailbagussy
The American Dialect Society Word of the Year has been chosen — and it's a wonderful and terrible pick! Depending on…
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68: Lazy in a Good Way (with Mark Ellison)
In what was meant to be a casual chat, cognitive scientist Dr Mark Ellison answers galaxy-brain-level questions about how language…
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67: Words of the Week of the Year 2022 (live with friends)
We're counting down our Words of the Year, as voted by you! We're joined by our friends and patrons, and…
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66: ChatGPT Wrote This Episode (with Daan van Esch)
ChatGPT has just landed. It can generate text that seems fluid, plausible, and (surprisingly) not total nonsense. It's got a…
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65: Naval Manoeuvres (with Chase Dalton)
Many expressions we use come from the nautical domain. But are they nautical? Are they really? We’ve got Chase Dalton…
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64: Struggle Pile (with Kelly Wright)
A chat with Dr Kelly Wright, who’s been working on… well, really a lot. Kelly is at the juncture of…
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63: Mailbag of Yeah-No (with Isabelle Burke)
Just two words, but they do so much. But what exactly? Here to answer that question is Dr Isabelle Burke,…
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62: Language in Spaaaaace (with Hannah Little)
Yes, linguistics is all through the world of sci-fi, but science fiction has had a surprising impact on linguistic research.…
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61: Together at Last
It's Ben, Hedvig, and Daniel all together in the same place for the first time. We're talking about the state…
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60: The Crossworld (with Hayley Gold)
Language isn’t just for communication — it’s fun. For over a hundred years, crosswords have served as entertainment, and even…
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59: Mailbag of Ew
In which we get together for a chat, talk about stuff we like, and — oh, yeah — answers a few…
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58: Expression Unleashed (with Thom Scott-Phillips and Joshua Blackburn)
Today, we communicate. But once, we didn’t. What had to happen in our brains to make communication possible? And why…
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57: Potluck (live, with friends)
Our friends, listeners, and patrons give us so many great stories, news, and words, so for this live episode, we're…
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56: Diego’s Digest
Our listeners and patrons send in so many great ideas, stories, and words. For this episode, listener and prolific contributor…
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55: Rebel With a Clause (with Ellen Jovin)
Everyone's favourite tabletop grammarian is back! It's Ellen Jovin, proprietor of the Grammar Table. She dispenses grammar advice around New…
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54: Slang (with Jonathon Green)
It's crude. It's rude. And it's a lot of fun. Slang has been with us for as long as people…
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53: Mailbag of Compounds (with Tiger Webb)
Language titan Tiger Webb is helping us with our voluminous Mailbag. Hedvig is giving her annual Eurovision language roundup. And…
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52: The Language Game (with Morten Christiansen and Nick Chater)
How is language like a game of charades? According to a new book, quite a lot. Charades players and language…
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51: A Wug-Tonne of Advice (with Kitty Liu and Romany Amber of U-Lingua)
We had the pleasure of an interview with two up-and-coming linguists, wanting to find out more about the show and…
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50: Employing Linguistics (with Anna Marie Trester and Ellen)
Linguistics is what we all love, but how do we make it pay? Turns out there are more ways than…
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49: Mailbag – It’s That T Again (with Mignon Fogarty)
Lingcomm legend Mignon Fogarty (Grammar Girl) joins us to answer all the questions in our Mailbag! And we have to…
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48: The Black Side of the River (with Jessi Grieser)
Anacostia is a rapidly gentrifying suburb in Washington DC, and as Anacostia changes, so does the language. How do the…
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47: We Need to Talk About Grice (with Rikker Dockum)
Every Linguistics 101 student knows about HP Grice and his famous Maxims. They state that dialogue is usually cooperative —…
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46: Just Words (with Rebecca Shapiro)
Can dictionaries create a more fair world? One language observer sees that dictionaries, far from being a neutral chronicle of…
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45: Mailbag of Words
The Words of the Year are out! And we're talking about 'em. We're answering all the questions in our voluminous…
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44: Words of the Week of the Year 2021 (with Lauren Gawne)
Our listeners have voted, and here are all the words! Which were our top Words of the Week? Which were…
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43: Journal Club: Zoomies on Zoom (with Hadas Kotek and friends)
Our friends and listeners bring us lots of great stories, questions, and words. So for this episode, we've invited them…
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42: Replicability Crisis (with Martine Grice and Bodo Winter)
The sciences are facing a replicability crisis. Some landmark studies were once considered settled, but then failed when they were…
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41: Mailbag of Caitlin University (with Caitlin Green)
Here to help us answer our voluminous Mailbag is the tireless Dr Caitlin Green, Vice Cancellor of Caitlin University. Among…
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40: Dialect Playthrough (with Hakan Seyalıoğlu of Thorny Games, and Stephen Mann)
Dialect is a role-playing game about language and how it dies. Over the course of a game, players form an…
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39: Is This a Reference? (with Sylvia Sierra)
You probably communicate with your friends using media references all the time. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But…
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38: Generativism 2: How It’s Going (with Taylor Miller and Adam Tallman)
This is the second of a two-parter on generativism, the linguistic school of thought originated by Noam Chomsky. This time,…
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37: Generativism 1: How It Started (with David Adger and John Goldsmith)
We're doing a deep dive into generativism, the linguistic school of thought championed by Noam Chomsky. It's had an enormous…
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36: Journal Club: Clickety Clack (with Stephen Mann)
The Because Language team are talking through some of the most interesting research around, and you get to listen! Valuable…
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35: Something’s Got to Change (with Lesley Woods, Alice Gaby, and Ayesha Marshall)
Linguistics as a discipline throws up challenges to Indigenous linguists. At the same time, they're the ones called upon to…
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34: OzCLO 2021: 2 Cool 4 School (with Elisabeth Mayer, Henry Wu, Victoria Papaioannou, and the students of Melbourne Girls Grammar School)
OzCLO is the Australian Computational and Linguistic Olympiad. It gets students together to compete and solve linguistic problems. It's also…
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33: You’re Wrong About Everett, Roberts, Blasi 2015
All it took was a tweet. Last week, linguists refocused their attention on a paper about humidity and tone. Was…
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32: Fallen Leaves: The Chinese Languages (with Wu Mei-Shin, Ye Jingting, and Israel Lai)
What we call sometimes Chinese is really a gigantic family of languages. They’re somewhat divided in mutual intelligibility, and somewhat…
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31: All the Words (with Grant Barrett)
Words of the Week are coming out of the woodwork, and who better to work through them with us than…
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30: Mailbag of Raspberries (with Helen Zaltzman)
Our Mailbag is once again full of questions, and podcasting luminary Helen Zaltzman is here to help us answer them!…
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29: Cultish (with Amanda Montell and Jared Holt)
Language helps us build and maintain social relationships. Cults — however we define them — exploit this function and subvert…
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28: The Cutting Edge (with Emma Schimke, Georgia Dempster, and Kirsten Ellis) – Pint of Science Takeover episode!
We're taking over Pint of Science (or are they taking over us?) for this episode! Three researchers are presenting their…
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27: It’s All Semantics (live at LingFest 2021)
Are fish wet? What is bi-weekly? And which Monday is next Monday? We’re solving some of the thorniest problems in…
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26: Hyphen (with Pardis Mahdavi)
It joins, it divides. It's disappearing in some places, but it's stronger than ever in others. For this episode, we're…
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25: Transcription (with Maya Klein)
Who listens to the show more closely than anyone (except possibly Daniel)? It's Maya Klein, who transcribes every word we…
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24: Higher Ed Discrimination (with Gail Clements, Marnie Jo Petray, and Fabio Trecca)
For many students, university opens up new frontiers of learning — and new ways to be marginalised for their language use.…
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23: Mailbag of YouChoob (with the Layman’s Linguist)
We're tackling these Mailbag questions with the help of the Layman's Linguist! Where do they say CHUBE instead of TUBE?…
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22: Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction (with Jesse Sheidlower)
What's a corpsicle? How old is the word hyperspace? Who was the first writer to use the term warp drive?…
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21: Journal Club: Newsblast!
There's so much news and research coming out, we can hardly address it all! But we're giving it a try…
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20: Madam VP (with Nicole Holliday and Caroline Kilov)
Kamala Harris is the first woman — and woman of colour — to be Vice President of the United States.…
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19: Mailbag, Schmailbag
More great questions from our Mailbag! How did we get from SUSS (suspect) to SUSS OUT (find out)? Is the…
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18: Swearin’ Time (with Kory Stamper)
There's a new show on Netflix, and it's The History of Swearing, featuring Nicolas Cage. Backing him up is a…
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17: Words of the Week of the Year 2020
On this momentous episode, we look back on all the words that made our year. Like, all of them. Including…
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16: Mailbag of Spedrun
Our Mailbag is at capacity! Time to get to these questions. We have pronouns and proverbs. So why don't we…
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15: Xenolanguage (with Kathryn Hymes)
If you love language, and you also love role-playing games with a sci-fi flair, then you're going to want to…
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14: Word Jail (with Ian Cushing)
Schools are banning words and policing language. It may be a well-meaning attempt to encourage good language habits, but it…
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13: White Supremacy (with Kelly Wright)
The definition of white supremacy: is it expanding, or are we just getting better at recognising it and its reach?…
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12: Mailbag: Will Ben Get It Right?
The questions keep coming! Let's answer them. Why is "Live Laugh Love" in that order? Why do we talk about…
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11: Aboriginal English: Yarning (with Glenys Collard and Celeste Rodriguez Louro)
Aboriginal English has been around a long while, but linguists have not taken the opportunity to really listen to the…
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10: What’s with Wugs?
These cute critters, once part of a pioneering study in child language acquisition, have become an unofficial mascot of linguistics.…
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9: OzCLO (with Henry Wu, Elisabeth Mayer, and the students of Sydney Girls School and Sydney Boys School)
OzCLO is the Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad, where Australian high school students compete with others around the world by…
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8: How Translatable Are Languages? (with Gary Lupyan)
Language and culture are intertwined, and a new research project discovers that the meanings of words diverge as culture does.…
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7: Mailbag of One Wrong Answer
Our ever-popular Mailbag is bursting with questions, so let's get to them! How do you communicate expressively with a mask…
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6: Decolonising Linguistics: Grammars (with Hannah Gibson)
Linguistics as a discipline has some work to do when it comes to examining and eliminating the legacy of colonialism.…
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5: The LSA Open Letter
An open letter to the LSA has ignited a furious debate among linguists and the wider public about who represents…
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4: Bilingual Advantages (with Iryna Khodos)
We've heard a lot about the cognitive benefits of bilingualism. But then we've also seen a lot of the supposed…
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3: Let’s Talk (with David Crystal)
How does conversation work? Why are videoconference calls so awkward and terrible? Why can we say goodbye multiple times, but…
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2: Mailbag of Iconoclasm
Time to get to this Mailbag! Why are flip-flops called 'thongs'? When people write the date as '7 April' or…
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1: Our Favourite Things
For our first episode as Because Language, we're assisted by an all-star cast of our linguistic friends, all here to…
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