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Here is the place for all your Because Language merch, swag, gear — call it what you will.

All of our designs are here:

but here’s a sample.

Linguistic Chaos Goblins

People get so uptight about language and usage sometimes! It’s probably because they’ve learned to think of oh-so-correct usage as a marker of their identity. But you know that there’s lots of ways to do language. You don’t mind ruffling some grammar feathers. You might be… a Linguistic Chaos Goblin.

There are three designs: Expresso, Irregardless, and More Expensiver. Buy more for a volume discount!

Designs by Trudy and Doug of Oglaf, used with permission.

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Grammar Hills

Getting grumpy at others because they don’t use an Oxford comma? They say “off of” instead of “off”? They end sentences with prepositions? Relax. You don’t have to hold onto a grammar shibboleth until you’re blue in the nuts. You’re so much more than that.

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Because Language logo

Go for the mug. That way, you can be casually drinking and people will be like, oh, what’s Because Language? And you’ll be like, it’s this really good podcast about linguistics.

And they’ll be like, what’s linguistics? And you can be like, it’s the science of language.

And they’ll be like, what’s language? No, they won’t actually say that, and that’s a good thing because there isn’t really a good answer for that.

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It was our Word of the Week of the Year for 2023, and it’s a word for our age. It’s a way of describing platform decay. Thanks to Cory Doctorow for promoting this term.

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I can never type this right the first time. Neither can you. Celebrate the frustration!

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The combining form -USSY was the Word of the Year 2022 for the American Dialect Society. Is that wonderful or terrible? It’s wonderful. And now you can put your whole linguüssy into everything you do. Have fun explaining this to people!

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