What’s in the linguistic news? Diego knows. He’s been tracking down stories and words for us all year long, and now he’s curated an entire show for us. It’s the latest in the Diego series.
- How do you write laughter in Spanish? Or other languages?
- Why do islands have so many languages?
- Why are speakers of an Indonesian language using Korean Hangul as their writing system?
Plus Words of the Week and Related or Not!
- Start: 0:00
- News: 5:07
- Related or Not: 34:14
- Words of the Week: 46:40
- The Reads: 59:30
- Outtakes: 1:03:18
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@becauselangpod One: Ben is my super-weiner. Two: The Historical Dictionary of English is cool. https://historicalthesaurus.arts.gla.ac.uk This is from our bonus episode 110: Diego's Dossier. Hear the whole thing here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/110-diegos-with-118198899?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
Patreon supporters
Thanks to all our patrons! Here are our patrons at the Supporter level.
This time we are ordering our Supporters by number of syllables (longest first)
and if people have the same number of syllables, on which syllable the stress falls
and then alphabetical.
- Andy from Logophilius
- Linguistic C̷̛̤̰̳͉̺͕̋̚̚͠h̸͈̪̤͇̥͛͂a̶̡̢̛͕̰͈͗͋̐̚o̷̟̹͈̞̔̊͆͑͒̃s̵̍̒̊̈́̚̚ͅ
- Ariaflame
- Chris W
- Felicity
- Ignacio
- Canny Archer
- Sonic Snejhog
- gramaryen
- aengryballs
- Kristofer
- Margareth
- Meredith
- Nikoli
- PharaohKatt
- Alyssa
- Ayesha
- Diego
- Elías
- Joanna
- LordMortis
- Aldo
- Amy
- Andy
- Helen
- Kathy
- Kevin
- Larry
- Lyssa
- Molly
- Nasrin
- Nigel
- O Tim
- Rachel
- Rodger
- Termy
- Tony
- Whitney
- Wolfdog
- Amir
- Chris L
- Colleen
- Luis
- Manú
- Rene
- Rhian
- Jack
- Kate
- Keith
- Matt
- sæ̃m
- Stan
- Steele
- Tadhg
And our newest free members: Rong and utarzan
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Become a Patron!Show notes
sundorwine | Historical Thesaurus of English
How to laugh correctly, according to the RAE it’s not “jajaja”
¿Es válido escribir la risa «jajaja»? | RAE
How To Laugh Online In 20 Languages
Seals and signs: tracing the origins of writing in ancient South-west Asia
Mesopotamia Artifacts Help Explain How Language Evolved from Pictures to Words
Language Evolves Over Time and Islands Can Drive Linguistic Diversity
Phonemic Diversity Supports a Serial Founder Effect Model of Language Expansion from Africa
Can a linguistic serial founder effect originating in Africa explain the worldwide phonemic cline?
Phonemic diversity decays “out of Africa”? | Language Log
Indigenous Indonesians use Korean letters to save a dialect
King Sejong Invents an Alphabet, by Carol Kim, illustrated by Cindy Kang
Spanish language Royal Academy incorporates the word “Che” to its latest dictionary edition
La RAE agregó una nueva palabra argentina al diccionario
‘Droidspeak’: AI Agents Now Have Their Own Language Thanks to Microsoft
[PDF] DroidSpeak: Enhancing cross-LLM communication
This transcript is available for our patrons. Click through and sign up!